I'm tired of not caring.
I'm tired of not living with urgency.
I'm tired of not seeking the glory of the Lord in my life.
I'm tired of acting like I know what I'm doing.
I'm tired of wanting what's best for me not what's best for the Lord.
I'm tired of not being a good steward of the Gospel.
I'm tired of not telling people about Jesus.
I'm tired of being proud and arrogant.
I'm tired of offering up watered down, comfortable truths.
I'm tired of not fulfilling the work of an evangelist.
I'm tired of not preaching with passion.
I'm tired of feeling satisfied.
I'm tired of not being broken for the Lord and for people.
I don't want things to stay the same. I don't want to coast through life like I've been doing. I don't want to be the guy that the little old ladies pat on the back on the way out of the church building on Sunday morning, telling me how wonderful I am.
I'm not wonderful. I'm far from what God has called me to be.
I'm not broken for people. I'm not broken for the Lord. I'm not broken for his Word and for His truth.
God, break my heart for you and for the people around me. Give me your eyes so that I can see the hurt inside people and so I can see how much it hurts you when I sin against you. Give me a sense of urgency for the Gospel and for the lost who are walking on a path straight to hell and eternity apart from you. I don't want to coast anymore. I want to live my life for you and for your glory, not for me and my comfort.
Break my heart. I'm giving up my facade of intelligence and wisdom. I have none. I need you. I truly need you.
Break me, and make me the man you want me to be.
Cookie Booth
14 hours ago
Well said Matt! Lucky for you, you have this wonderful season of Lent to focus on repentence, renewal and change!
ReplyDeleteI'll be praying for you.