This evening, after dinner, I noticed that my throat was becoming a little scratchy. I absolutely hate this feeling. It is the feeling of impending doom, an ominous foreboding of evil.
Yes, it's that dramatic.
The reason I am so afraid of this scratchy throat is because I know what's coming: a sore throat. It never fails. It's like when the breeze picks up before it starts pouring down rain. You just know it's coming.
Whenever this happens, I either do one of two things. Option 1: I accept my fate and hope that it's not as bad as I thought. OR Option 2: I immediately begin taking multivitamins, cold medicines, and anything else I can find in the form of home remedies. Then I try to get plenty of rest and try not to do anything--except do everything I can to prevent the sore throat from worsening.
Tonight, I'm working on Option 2. We'll see how it goes in the morning.
So where is God in all this? Well, as I feel this impending sore throat, I am reminded of how my spirit feels before I commit a deliberate sin. It's the same feeling. I have this little prickly notion that something bad is about to happen. And like my itchy throat, it carries a dire warning of horrible things to come.
So, I have two options. Option 1: I accept what I'm about to do and hope it's not as bad as I thought. OR Option 2: I immediately get as far away from the situation as possible and do everything I can to prevent this from happening.
I prefer Option 2, and so does God. Scripture tells us to flee temptation and give it no opportunity to take a hold in our lives. This means that we cannot give it a chance. We must do whatever we can to avoid sin. If we don't, we get into a really bad situation involving a lot of pain and suffering--just like a really bad sore throat.
So, I'm off to get some rest, and I pray that I won't get a sore throat or something worse. But more importantly, I pray that I will heed the Spirit's warnings when I'm about to do something wrong so that I can avoid the suffering that accompanies it.
Option 2, here we go!
Cookie Booth
14 hours ago
I think you need to pass this sore throat on to me. It'd be nice to not be able to talk for a day or two.