Today, I am thankful for:
1. A new Bible: Today, a lady at church gave me a surprise gift, a new study Bible. It's got a lot of notes and maps and stuff, but the coolest part is that it has a lot of illustrations throughout the book that aid in the understanding of certain passages. I'm really excited about having it to help me in my study! Thank you, God, for my new Bible. Thank you for Mrs. LaVelle and her generosity. Thank you, most of all, for your Word, which you have given to us. May I never cease to read it, study it, cherish it, follow it, and hide it in my heart.
2. Tonight's church service: Tonight we had a really good service at church. Ronnie's message was very good and very encouraging. Although we had a very small amount of people there, the presence of God was evident, and we all left feeling refreshed for having spent time with the Lord in corporate worship and Bible study. Thank you, God, for EVBC, and thank you for the service tonight. Thank you for allowing us to worship you even when we don't deserve it. Thank you for the preaching of your Word, and thank you for a place in which to worship you and study your commandments.
3. A fellow youth minister: I hung out with a fellow youth minister on Thursday night for a little while and got to know him a little better. We're going to try to start meeting weekly to hang out, encourage one another, and lift one another up to the Lord. I'm excited about the companionship and the accountability. Thank you, God, for allowing me and Nick to get together this week. Thanks for helping us to arrange future meetings, and thank you for providing encouragement for both of us.
4. My senses: I know it sounds weird, but I'm thankful for the senses God gives us. We have the ability to see beauty, taste good things, smell pleasant aromas, hear music, and feel softness and warmth. God created us to enjoy life! Thank you, God, for giving the human body senses. Thank you for how they take care of us and help us live out or lives, but thank you also for how they help us to enjoy life. Through the senses you give us, we are able to truly experience all that you are and all that you created. May we never fail to thank you for the little things.
5. Nate and Katie: I was reminded again this week of how blessed I am to be able to live with Nate and Katie. Yes, it's very economical for me, but on top of that, they really take great care of me. And most importantly, they're great friends, and I really enjoy hanging out with them. God, thank you for Nate and Katie. Thank you for their generosity and for them opening up their home to me for this long. Thank you for working things out for me to be able to stay here. Forgive me if I have taken advantage of them in any way, and help me to always be truly thankful for the hospitality they show. Thank you also for their friendship.
Thank you, God, for these blessings, both significant and trivial. You are God, and you are good.
Cookie Booth
22 hours ago
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