This week, I am thankful for:
1. Family: My family came into town this weekend. Amy had to play the piano for a scholarship audition at the college, so they all came up to visit. It was great seeing them all. Plus, we got to hang out with my brother and his wife the whole weekend, so for the first time in a very long time, the whole family was together for a few days. Plus, Mama's birthday is tomorrow, so that made it all the more fun. Thank you, God, for my family. Thanks for allowing them to come up and visit this weekend. Thanks for giving them safe travel here and back home. Thank you for their love and for the encouragement that they bring me.
2. Small group leaders: I'm very thankful for my volunteers that help me out at church. Without Robby, Krystle, and Mrs. Nancy, I'd really have a hard time effectively discipling my students. They all do a wonderful job and are always there to lend a helping hand. My volunteers always give me their time and full support in all that we do. I couldn't do my job without them. Thank you, God, for all the people that help me out in the youth group. Thank you for my small group leaders. Thank you for their willingness to serve and the hard work that they put in for the kingdom.
3. Working out: I started working out this week with Robby. It's the first time I've ever really gotten into the whole weights thing, but I'm giving it a shot. I've been ridiculously sore the past few days, but it's felt kind of good to be sore. I hope that we're able to keep it up. I enjoy the activity, but I also enjoy the fellowship. Thank you, God, for letting me be able to work out. Thanks for giving me the physical capacity to do so. Thank you for Robby, our friendship, and his accountability. I pray that you help us to keep this commitment.
4. East Asia itinerary: I got some details regarding our East Asia trip the other day. We got our plane tickets. I got my passport. I'm ready to go! The trip is 2 1/2 months away, but I'm still excited. I'm ready to see what God has in store for us over there, and I can't wait to serve him overseas. At the same time, certain anxieties are already starting to creep inside my head....Thank you, God, for the East Asia mission trip. Thank you again for the opportunity to go. May you continue to pave the way and provide for us to go. Please ease my fears about the trip, and help me to trust in you and your sovereignty.
5. Rain: The rain has been very peaceful these past couple of days. Not to mention the fact that it waters the earth (and knocks all the pollen off the trees...). I always have enjoyed rainy weather. Thank you, God, for the rain. Thank you for giving us what we truly need. Thank you for your grace, which falls down on us like the rain outside. Thank you for your mercy toward us.
Thank you, God, for these blessings, both significant and trivial. You are God, and you are good.
Cookie Booth
14 hours ago
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