I love to ride with my windows down in my truck. I don't have a nice car with a convertible top, so to "ride with the wind in my hair" I have to do the best I can with the windows.
If you join me in the open-air-driving club, then you've probably experienced what I'm about to describe: You're riding down the road, enjoying the breeze on your skin and in your hair, singing your cares away with the radio turned up to Celine Dion (ahem....or some other appropriate musician....). Perhaps you've even got your hand out the window going up and down on a virtual wind-ridden roller coaster.....
Then out of nowhere.....THWAP! A giant bug hits your hand. It does not feel pleasant. It stings your skin. It spills guts on you and leaves behind a funny odor. It angers you. It ruined your Celine Dion moment. It might just have done this to you on purpose. It makes you want to purchase more stock in fly swatters. It causes you to curse the posterity of all flying insects and swear to wipe out their kind to the ends of the earth.
Sound familiar? Ok, does the premise at least sound familiar? Good. Now why in the world would I describe this horrible scene?
Because prayer is just like this. What? No, I'm not crazy. I promise. Here's why:
When we pray, it is very refreshing. We enjoy the feeling of the presence of God surrounding us. It is a comforting feeling, a feeling of security. It is our source of peace, as we dwell in God's mercy and grace. We share our needs with him and spread out our hands in worship of his glory, praising his name and majesty....
Then out of nowhere....THWAP! We git hit with something, and quite often, that "something" is the truth about our hearts. Whether it be a sinful habit, an unrighteous thought, or a missed opportunity, God often convicts us when we're praying.
You see, prayer isn't just our chance to rest in the presence of God. It's a chance for God to tell us what we need to hear, and that isn't always sweet words of comfort. A lot of times it stings. Does that mean we shouldn't pray? Of course not; however, we need to understand that prayer is not a one-way street. God wants to speak to us, too, and God is a God of truth. He convicts us when we need to draw closer to him.
I still love riding with the windows down. It's refreshing. Prayer is the same way. Just be prepared to get hit every once in awhile. It'll do you some good.
Cookie Booth
14 hours ago
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