As you start your computer up, you notice that it's running a little slower than usual. It creeps along in the loading process, taking so long you think that your desktop background is going to change seasons. You mutter under your breath, waiting on the thing to finish loading so that you can get done what you intended to do. Then you notice this little shield thing in your toolbar. It is yellow and obnoxious. And it's slowing your computer down.
Your computer is getting updates. And it's ruining your day.
At this point, you fall into one of two camps. Camp #1 includes the people who encourage the updates. Your thoughts might include the following: "This update is a good thing. It helps my computer. It keeps things secure from hackers, spyware, and viruses. Sure, it might be inconvenient, but it's helpful. I might actually get some more updates....."
If you're in Camp #2, you don't even get this far. You've already turned off the computer and restarted it, bypassing the whole updating process.
This whole update thing is oddly similar to our spiritual walk. Just like our computers, we need updates, too. We must get the information and strength we need to function correctly. And like our computers, we need these updates very often.
Our reactions to our spiritual "updates" are often pretty similar to our computer-based reactions. We often view our time with the Lord as a "necessary inconvenience" so that we can get on with the rest of our day. Or we might even just forsake these updates altogether in exchange for moving ahead with our other business.
If you fail to update your computer, you may not immediately notice much difference. However, over time, your computer will slow down, it will become unsafe, and it could ultimately crash and fail.
Our spirits have the same outlook. Without daily time spent with the Lord, we are destined to become ineffective and on the brink of crashing.
Sure, it takes time. But the benefits far outweigh the cost.
It's time to get excited about updating your spirit. I can't say that much about your computer, but you get the idea...
Life Insurance Psych Out
5 hours ago
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