What would Jesus do?
The first thought that comes to mind when I hear this statement is a colored bracelet with the letters WWJD which became popular back in the late 1990’s. My thought process then continues with images of countless students and youth group members (myself included) wearing these bracelets as the WWJD fashion fad hit the country. They came in all colors, even rainbow if you so desired, and were a must-have if you were to be cool. I rocked one out. Mine was black—just like my heart.
But no one knew that. I smiled and wore that bracelet along with countless other people who could really care less what Jesus would actually do, because I was too concerned with myself. I wore it while I used profanity and looked at porn on the Internet. I wore it while spent my money on expensive clothing rather than helping out the kid who sat next to me in the cafeteria who didn’t have lunch money for the day. I wore it while I slandered people and slandered Christ Himself. You see, with my words I claimed to love Jesus and honor Him, but the condition of my heart didn’t match the message of my mouth (or my wrist). And I’m pretty sure that I wasn’t the only one with a bracelet that didn’t match….
My purpose is not to condemn the bright little pieces of cloth. I actually think the premise behind the product was truly good. I do, however, wish to make a point. What would happen if we really started living as Jesus would live? Wouldn’t things be different? Wouldn’t they be radically different? I know that if I even devoted ¼ of my life to living as Jesus would, my world would completely change.
But isn’t that what Christianity is all about? After all, we have the title of Christians, or “those who are like Christ.” Consequently, when people look at us, shouldn’t their first impression be the same as if they were looking at Jesus himself? However, I think if most of us did an honest examination of our lifestyle, we wouldn’t really see Christ in it very much.
Hence, the beginning of this blog. I’ve never been much of a writer, a journalist, or much less a blogger. Nevertheless, God has been showing me some things lately, and I would like to share them with you. The purpose of this blog will be to examine who Jesus was and who we are. Why is there a difference, and how can we get rid of the massive dissimilarity between our two images.
In 1 Peter 2:21 we are told that Jesus “left us an example, so that we could follow in His steps.” I’m looking forward to studying that example with you as we follow Him together.
Be set apart in the midst.